
Ella 2023


On 29/03/2024

In Switzerland, as you already know, the first phase of proactive regulation took place between December 1, 2023 and January 31, 2024. The Arsene's pack, along with 11 others (including 6 in Valais), was targeted for complete elimination. At the same time, 6 packs were to be shot internally, in order to remove young wolves from the year 2023 or sub-adults. And 5 other packs were also targeted by reactive regulation shots, for exceeding the quota for losses on livestock. Overall, 23 packs out of 32-35 were shot at in 2023. The result is serious, with 61 wolves shot over the year as a whole, including 38 during the two months of proactive regulation, of which 27 in Valais. Two packs were totally decimated, and at least 7 others lost a member of their breeding pair (a male in each case).
Photo paul browning 2

The ABC's of wolf regulation - Proactive

On 01/01/2024

We continue with the second part of our series of articles on wolf regulation. Let's talk about the brand new method of regulation, which came into force on December 1, 2023 in Switzerland under the new Ordinance, which is still in the "test" phase and will not officially come into force until February 2025. We explain what it consists of and the real effects on both : attacks on livestock and the wolf itself, the packs, the species etc.