
Photo paul browning 2

The ABC's of wolf regulation - Proactive

On 01/01/2024

We continue with the second part of our series of articles on wolf regulation. Let's talk about the brand new method of regulation, which came into force on December 1, 2023 in Switzerland under the new Ordinance, which is still in the "test" phase and will not officially come into force until February 2025. We explain what it consists of and the real effects on both : attacks on livestock and the wolf itself, the packs, the species etc.
Loup et mouton

The ABC's of wolf regulation - Reactive

On 12/12/2023

In view of current events in Switzerland, we are forced to explain the possible consequences of shooting within the pack we are following, as well as the others concerned by proactive regulation. It is necessary to understand that two types of regulation are currently in place in Switzerland, due to the Ordinance in test phase: reactive and proactive. We take a look at these two methods and the effects that shooting could have over the coming months and potentially years.