
Article la salamandre 1

LA SALAMANDRE MAGAZINE - On the trail of a pack on probation

On 27/11/2024

In Valais, a team made up of a biologist, the French-speaking director of the Groupe Loup Suisse and trained volunteers have been following “Arsene's pack” for the past two years. Their goal is to rehabilitate the wolf for the general public. La Salamandre” magazine followed us for a day in the field in June 2024. We'd like to thank them for their interest in our project, as well as in the wolf and the Arsene's pack.
Louve mayoux

Poaching - An indecipherable reality

On 16/11/2024

Since the introduction of proactive regulation and on the eve of the wolf's probable downgrading by the Bern Convention, it is vital to mention the causes of wolf mortality in Switzerland and Europe. Some of these are easily quantifiable, notably legal shooting and human-caused accidents (road and rail traffic), which are the two most important. But one unknown factor remains: the number of wolves poached, of which we know nothing most of the time. How is poaching carried out? What methods are used? How important will these cases be in assessing the number of wolves that can be harvested? How can we protect the wolf from a possible decline in numbers if “official” regulation is relaxed? Let's take a look at this thorny but vital issue for the future of the wolf.
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Arsene's pack - Story of a picture

On 13/10/2024

Every wildlife photographer knows that every picture has its own story. Effort, expectation, surprise, failure, despair, joy, emotion - these are the ingredients that make up, in addition to the scenery or subject, every wildlife photo. Nature offers its intimacy sparingly, and only when it decides to do so. It is more often the wildlife that decides than the photographer, despite all his investment, patience, perseverance and passion. You're about to discover a fantastic, rare story that now sounds like a wink of fate. We'll keep it in our heart forever...
Illustration article facteur humain

Protection - humans, enemy number 1

On 18/09/2024

In our previous articles, which you can read on the “blog” page for those who haven't yet consulted them, we took an in-depth look at the effectiveness of protection and the many factors that can influence or impact it, far beyond the statistics of annual losses due to wolves, which is just one factor among many. The reality is that today, if we really wanted to assess the effectiveness of protection in our country, it would be mandatory to take into account all the factors mentioned in our previous articles, especially the evolution of means of protection on each farm. We're talking here about changes made over the course of the year or compared with previous years (increase, stagnation or decrease in the methods used), but also those affecting the so-called live protection, i.e. the guardian dogs (abilities and interest in protection, physiological and psychological state, possible health problems in the form of illnesses or injuries, female in heat within a pack requiring the removal of individuals, concerns linked to potentially advanced age, etc.). And, of course, everything to do with the wolf and the pack present in the summering areas (territory management, evolution/modification of numbers, human intervention through regulation, character/personality of individuals, understanding of the territories and buffer zones by the authorities, etc.). But there's one element that we don't talk about enough, yet which is of enormous importance in everything to do with protection : the human being !

WOLF PACK - Together but not always !

On 14/08/2024

Many people still think that a wolf pack spends its time together, or that the hunt is conducted with all members present. We're going to give you some explanation about two spexplain to you, very simply, two very important key points about packs at this time of year - summer and the education of cubs. We need to know and understand them because, as we see in the field and when political decisions are being made, the way a pack functions is still poorly understood and, in some cases, even ignored, so that we can shoot as quickly as possible, particularly when it comes to reactive and proactive control shots. Errors are common, especially when it comes to evaluating a pack. The most frequent problem is that interpretations aren't based on a compilation and in-depth analysis of all the data collected, with the benefit of hindsight and knowledge.
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ARSENE'S PACK - Subadult choices

On 18/05/2024

The period from the first signs of reproduction to whelping (February-May) can be a source of conflict within the pack. Hormones and personalities lead to significant tensions, as only the breeding pair reproduces in a pack. From then on, between jealousy, protection and aggression, certain hierarchical changes can occur but, above all, this can provoke departures among the sub-adults present. But do you know the different ways in which these individuals can reproduce ? We'll tell you all about it...
Chien et loup

Hybridization - between wolf and dog...

On 02/04/2024

Hybridization, a term often used when we talk about wolves, frequently leads to outcry and inaccurate statements. But what is hybridization ? How long has it existed ? How does it occur in nature ? And what are the exact causes, but above all the effects ? We've chosen to talk to you, in simplified terms (genetics can give you serious headaches, because of its complexity), about this topic which, although much talked about, is little understood by most people. Hybridation photo 1
Ella 2023


On 29/03/2024

In Switzerland, as you already know, the first phase of proactive regulation took place between December 1, 2023 and January 31, 2024. The Arsene's pack, along with 11 others (including 6 in Valais), was targeted for complete elimination. At the same time, 6 packs were to be shot internally, in order to remove young wolves from the year 2023 or sub-adults. And 5 other packs were also targeted by reactive regulation shots, for exceeding the quota for losses on livestock. Overall, 23 packs out of 32-35 were shot at in 2023. The result is serious, with 61 wolves shot over the year as a whole, including 38 during the two months of proactive regulation, of which 27 in Valais. Two packs were totally decimated, and at least 7 others lost a member of their breeding pair (a male in each case).
Loup cpt teddy bracard

The ABC's of wolf regulation - The effectiveness of protective measures (part 2)

On 05/03/2024

We continue our series on regulation, with the second part of our article on the effectiveness of protection methods. We'll be taking a look at what we call "living" protection, i.e. the use of living creatures such as guardian dogs. This will give you a better understanding of all the challenges faced by farmers with this type of protection, which is constantly evolving, and also help you discover just how contraindicated and impossible it is to assess the effectiveness of protection based only on livestock losses.
Photo loup jp 2017

The ABC's of wolf regulation - The effectiveness of protective measures

On 18/01/2024

For over 28 years in Switzerland, the question of protection and its effectiveness has been at the center of debate. For some, it works; for others, it's totally ineffective. But how can we assess the effectiveness of official means of protection ? What are the factors that can affect the effectiveness of the protection ? Here are some explanations, in two parts, to help you better understand this eminently important and often misinterpreted subject.
Photo paul browning 2

The ABC's of wolf regulation - Proactive

On 01/01/2024

We continue with the second part of our series of articles on wolf regulation. Let's talk about the brand new method of regulation, which came into force on December 1, 2023 in Switzerland under the new Ordinance, which is still in the "test" phase and will not officially come into force until February 2025. We explain what it consists of and the real effects on both : attacks on livestock and the wolf itself, the packs, the species etc.
Loup et mouton

The ABC's of wolf regulation - Reactive

On 12/12/2023

In view of current events in Switzerland, we are forced to explain the possible consequences of shooting within the pack we are following, as well as the others concerned by proactive regulation. It is necessary to understand that two types of regulation are currently in place in Switzerland, due to the Ordinance in test phase: reactive and proactive. We take a look at these two methods and the effects that shooting could have over the coming months and potentially years.
Loup novembre 2023

Arsene's pack - Actual situation

On 27/11/2023

In Switzerland, the wolf situation has just taken a turn for the worse, with the presentation of the new Ordinance in September 2023. Unfortunately, this new ordinance is not based on scientific hindsight or knowledge of the consequences of intra-species shooting, nor on the impact on livestock. It shows a very negative image of Swiss policy, which has sent shockwaves through the Swiss population and many official bodies and organizations, including in Europe and around the world. Our country, accustomed to setting an example in its management and pragmatism, has, thanks to a few politicians, given way to an undignified and shocking situation.
Loup carcasse 2

ARSENE'S PACK - Predatory action

On 09/10/2023

We're finally back to tell you about a predation attempt we witnessed by a wolf from the Arsene's pack on a herd of deer. Let's go !

Arsene's pack - Interspecific interaction

On 19/09/2023

Some time ago, we were lucky enough to observe a highly instructive inter-species interaction. We're going to share that interesting experience with you. The video will follow shortly, in order to preserve the safety of the Arsene's pack, as we've already explained.
Loup 55

Wolf - Which hunter is he really ? - Third part

On 27/08/2023

We continue our articles series about the wolf and the way he hunts his prey, the tactics, organisation and physical assets/abilities. You'll find plenty more details on how wolves hunt their prey.
Ab 8335

Arsene's pack - Discovery and revelation

On 26/08/2023

We're back to tell you about our work and the discoveries we made during July and August 2023. These two months have been particulary intense, in many ways. Even if it's not over yet, we made the most exciting discovery we'd ever dreamed of in our first year in the field !
Photo arsene

Arsene's pack - Growth and pressure

On 12/08/2023

We're currently in an intense period for Arsene's pack : the cubs have been weaned, and their growth requires more and more meat. The pack must therefore hunt and predate even more, to feed the growing and increasingly demanding appetites of the new arrivals. This is also the period when pressure and attacks on livestock often increase.
Loup jacques bibinet 2

Wolf - Which hunter is he really ? - Second part

On 12/08/2023

Let's continue discovering how wolves hunt, their skills, techniques, behaviors and strategies, as well as those of their prey...
Loup jacques bibinet

Wolf - Which hunter is he really ?

On 07/08/2023

A lot has been said about the wolf, circulating in various human circles and and across the generations. Sometimes he's seen as a killing machine, practicing sadism, cruelty, enjoying killing like a bloodthirsty beast, and sometimes he's intelligent, organized, observant, capable of strategizing, and its hunting skills are highlighted. So it all depends on our interest in, and opinion of the predator. But it also depends on the proven knowledge we've been willing to acquire, without relaying hearsay or fantastic but unproven stories. So, in reality, what kind of hunter is the wolf? How does he select and predate his prey? Let's shed some light on this subject, which has been studied for decades and now contains verified data leading to a true understanding of the Canis Lupus hunter...
Loup cerf jeremy voirin

Arsene's pack - predator and prey

On 30/07/2023

Here are three videos taken less than 1h15 apart to show you how wolves and their prey use territory and how inter-species relations work.
Renard 4


On 18/07/2023

We're back for more adventures...

Arsene's pack - Feeding

On 16/07/2023

Arsène's pack is doing very well, according to our latest monitoring and visual observations. The period between the birth of the cubs (May) and the moment when they can finally travel with the pack (September) is particularly intensive for the breeding couple.
Fb 1

Arsene's pack - News

On 07/07/2023

July is here, what's the latest news from Arsene's pack? What are they doing at that time of the year ? We bring you up to date and share with you some unseen videos coming from our cameras traps...
Pic epeiche 1


On 30/06/2023

Our wildlife adventures continue...
Subadulte juin 2023

Arsene's pack - News about Ella, the sub-adult

On 29/06/2023

Here is a short video of Ella, the sub-adult of Arsene's pack, making excursions on the territory.
Welcome on board


On 24/06/2023

HERE WE GO !!! From now on, we'll be sharing our logbook with you, where you'll be able to read about our adventures, observations & encounters during our "scouting" days and peregrinations.
Loup 14

Wolf during the day - between belief and reality

On 18/06/2023

When a wolf is spotted during daytime, it frequently triggers fears and, logically, controversy. "Certainly a deviant individual", "the wolf has lost his fearhumans fear", "wolf has nothing to do there" are often the remarks heard or read here and there. Wolf is supposed to be a nocturnal animal, so why do we sometimes see him during the day ? Has he lost his fear of humans ? When should wildlife wardens be notified ? We give you further information about that subject here.
Loup 11

Arsene's pack - Sub-adults excursion

On 28/05/2023

Arsene's pack is very busy at the moment, moving less than usual to look after Lupine and the probable new members. So we take this opportunity to show you a video of a subadult of Arsene's pack and give you some explanation about how excursions among subadults work.
Louveteaux 5

Wolf mating period

On 28/05/2023

What is Arsene's pack doing between the end of winter and spring ? How do the reproduction and births take place ? How is the pack organized during the birth period ? We're going to give you some details about the periods called "reproduction" and "birth". We explain what happens during mating, the arrival of the cubs, their first weeks of life and the organization of the pack during these very important phases for the species.

Wolf and fox, marking story

On 28/05/2023

We sometimes think we know everything about nature, wildlife and the cohabitation between species. But the truth is that some behaviors or attitudes can be surprising and teach us a lot about inter-species relations. This example, a story of marking between Arsene and Gege, reflects this thought, we want to share it with you...

Study in anthropized environment

On 28/05/2023

Wolf moves constantly, mostly at night and on a 100 to 250 km2 territory. Then it becomes obvious that the observation of possible interactions between individuals or behaviors during the different phases of their social life is extremely difficult.
Logo Wolf Mission


On 28/05/2023

So, what research are we conducting exactly? What financial means are being invested in our projects? What methods do we use to collect data so that you may peek into the lives of our wildlife? Here, you’ll find more information about our work, our motivations, our accomplishments so far as well as our plans for the upcoming months and years. Arte 13

Arsene's pack

On 28/05/2023

Time has come to introduce you to the pack that we will study with your support. As already mentioned, we won't give any information about its name, its location, to keep the pack safe. So we have chosen a nice little name : ARSENE'S PACK !